Using Fractions Lab with your students

Fractions Lab's workspace is easy to use. Learn about the features on the workspace in this short guide.

1. Representations

Select the representation you want to use and start creating fractions .

  1. Number lines
  2. Regions
  3. Sets
  4. Liquid measures

2. Workspace

Make fractions and try things out in this space.

3. Zoom

Zoom in and out from fractions in the workspace using the slider.

4. Operations boxes

Check your work-in-progress using the comparison, addition and subtraction boxes. Fractions Lab won't give you the answer to addition and subtraction questions, but it will help you along the way.

5. Rubbish bin

Drag any unwanted fractions into the bin.

6. Camera

Capture the work space for later use, e.g. sharing students'work or for assessment purposes.

7. Design your own tasks

These two buttons enable you to write your own tasks. Go to the Getting Started Guide, 'Designing your own tasks'.

8. Help bar

Receive support and guidance with built-in help in this bar.

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